Friday, May 21, 2010

DuPiazza (an Indian Curry dish)

1-2 large yellow or sweet onions chopped in to large chunks
2 T. minced garlic
1 T. Ginger Paste
1-2 T. Garam Masala
1 T. Turmeric
2 t. Cumin
1 T. curry powder (I use half regular and half hot madras)
1-2 whole dried red chilies
salt and pepper to taste
2 pounds (chicken, beef or lamb)cubed meat
1-14 oz or larger can of stewed or fire roasted tomatoes
1 can of chicken stock (or chicken base and water)
1 can coconut milk

Heat skillet with 1-2 T. olive oil on medium heat until it is hot, add onions, garlic and ginger and stir constantly until onions are about half cooked then add all the spices except the chilies. Stir constantly for about 2 minutes until spices are heated and combined evenly over onions. Add cubed meat and stir until just browned on the outside. Add the tomatoes, stock and chilies, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 1/2 hour. Remove lid and raise heat and reduce liquid until it starts thickening stirring about every 3-5 minutes (this may take another 1/2 hour or more). When it has started to thicken add the coconut milk and stir until well blended and reduce again until the consistency of gravy. Serve while hot over basmati rice and naan bread (indian flat bread)

Sorry I can't post a picture of this right now my computer is broken :-(
